How to Get Maximum Results From Online Math Help

Mathnasium of Edmonton SE
3 min readJul 29, 2021

Hiring online math help to support your child with their maths learning centre is a big investment of time and money, so it can be helpful to have some tips on how to get maximum results from the sessions.

Here are some tips on how to get maximum results for your child from the online math help you have hired:

1. Attend 2–3 Sessions Per Week

The frequency of sessions is so important to maximize results. Have your child meet their tutor 2–3 times per week so they are consistently reviewing what they have learned.

2. Start With A Diagnostic Assessment

The best way to get maximum results from the online math help you’ve hired for your child is to ensure they start with a diagnostic assessment so they know exactly where your child needs more support and which concepts and strategies they need to learn to succeed in their classwork and tests.

3. Ensure The Learning Program Is Personalized

Once the tutor knows what your child needs to learn, that information should be used to build a personalized learning program that also takes into account your child’s learning style and interests. When math concepts are related to their interests and presented in ways they best understand, it will make a big difference in how quickly you see results and how your child feels about tutoring.

4. Request Regular Progress Reports

To be really efficient and get the best results, it’s recommended to regularly discuss how things are going with both the tutor and your child. That way they can let you know of any concerns or roadblocks they are encountering. The tutor can get advice from you on engaging your child and they can also give you some ideas on how to support your kid at home. Online math help will get your child on the right path, but they still need to follow up so they understand how things are going.

5. Practice At Home

Having your child spend a bit of extra time practicing what they learn in their tutoring sessions or even having them apply it to your daily life, will really help to boost the tutor’s efforts and get the best results.

In order to ensure maximum results from online math help, we suggest following these tips. Check-in with your child often to make sure they are feeling positive about the tutor and their experience and that they are feeling more confident in their schoolwork. You can also check in with your child’s teacher to confirm that things are going better in class as well.

Patience is key when hiring online math help kids, so while these tips will help to get maximum results, don’t forget that your child may need to spend a lot of time on some concepts and less on others. This means progress may start and stop, but as long as your child is becoming more confident and is gaining foundational skills, the tutoring is very likely effective.



Mathnasium of Edmonton SE

Our learning centre offers private math tutoring services in Edmonton. Our Local tutors help kids with mathematics homework lessons, math tutorials.